Weather in South Tyrol
300 sunny days a year
General weather conditions today:
The influence of high pressure will increase.
Weather today:
Clouds will pass through from the north-east in the morning, after which the sun will prevail everywhere.
temp. min.: | -1° |
temp. max.: | 5° |
The highest temperatures will range from 0° to 6°.
Mountain weather today:
The influence of high pressure will increase.
Temperature in 2,000m: | -2° |
Temperature in 3,000m: | -8° |
0° limit: | 1400m |
Weather development
Mostly sunny. On Thursday, sunny weather with clear sky. Friday will also be sunny and cloudless. On Saturday, thicker clouds will appear and it may snow lightly in places on the mountains. Sunday will bring thicker clouds in the north, elsewhere it will be mostly sunny.
Thursday, 2024-12-12
temp. min.: | -10° |
temp. max.: | 6° |
Friday, 2024-12-13
temp. min.: | -9° |
temp. max.: | 6° |
Saturday, 2024-12-14
temp. min.: | -8° |
temp. max.: | 6° |
, 2024-12-15
temp. min.: | -8° |
temp. max.: | 5° |